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gvSIG-Desktop 1.9 Alpha. Manual de usuario.

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2010-10-29 15:03

Realce (Propiedades)


The Raster Properties dialog contains options for the enhancement of raster layers. The "Raster Properties" dialog can be accessed in two ways: by right-clicking on the raster layer in the Table of Contents or through the raster properties icon in the toolbar:


Raster Properties icon

Here, set the left button to Raster Layer and select the option Raster Properties from the pull-down button on the right. Make sure that the name of the raster layer for which you want to see information is displayed as current layer in the text box.

In the Raster Properties dialog, select the "Enhancement" tab.


Raster Properties. Enhancement

Every modification in this Enhancement dialog will be applied to the current view for visual interpretation purposes and can not be saved as a new layer. If you want to save the enhancements, you will need to use the Filter dialog or the Radiometric Enhancement dialog, depending on whether you want to modify the brightness and contrast or apply a linear enhancement.

On the left side of the dialog, the controls for modifying brightness and contrast are shown. By default, these controls are disabled but if you want to change the values, you can activate them by ticking the "Activate" check box. Then, use the slide bar to alter the slide bar or type the value directly in the corresponding text box.

The right side of the dialog is used for linear enhancement. This is a simplification of linear radiometric enhancement to control the display of images of data types other than Byte. For Byte images, this control is disabled by default. For other data types, these values are automatically set when the raster layer is loaded. It is recommended to use this control only to modify automatically assigned values. For more enhancement options it is more appropriate to use the Radiometric Enhancement function.

The enhancement stretches the data over a range from 0 to 255 to improve visual interpretation. The option "Remove edges" will ignore the minimum and maximum values that appear in the image. The option "Clipping tail (%)" will sort the values from low to high, and cut off the values that are lower or higher than a specified percentage of the total number of values. The effect is a shift in the maximum and minimum values.

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